Symyx Draw

Symyx Draw 3.2

Image Symyx Draw 3.2
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  • Developer:

    Symyx Technologies, Inc.

  • OS:

    Windows XP

  • License:


  • Updated:

    January 30, 2022

  • "Essential program if you study chemistry"

If you study or work with chemical reactions as well as with all kinds of structures, Symyx Draw is an absolutely indispensable tool. And that's no mean feat, because thanks to it you can easily deal with both elements.

Due to its high level of compatibility, Symyx Draw allows to open any chemical structure or reaction. Supported formats include MOL, SMI, SKC, RXN and CDX, as well as traditional GIF, BMP, PNG, and more. The program has support for all three dimensions.

At the end of your creation you will have the possibility to export it to all the previously mentioned formats, in addition to printing it from Symyx Draw's own interface.